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Showing posts from March, 2014

Why is Coconut Oil So Great For You?

For the past year, Coconut Oil has been talked about all around the blogging community as well as the YouTube community. I first heard of Coconut Oil from  Rachel Talbott  who is a Youtuber. She first described using Coconut Oil in her hair and for a while I was really interested in what Coconut Oil was and why is it so great for you. What is Coconut Oil?  Coconut Oil is oil from a coconut! There is no chemicals, no added ingredients, it's just plain Coconut Oil. What is Coconut Oil Used For?  -Putting nutrients back into your hair and making it shiny -Getting rid of stretch marks -For cooking  -Eye make up remover -Regular lotion and much more ways to use it! ( More Info! )  Benefits of Coconut Oil? -Coconut Oil has one of the richest sources of saturated fat - People around the world get 60% of their calories from coconut oil and they have no heart problems.  -Coconut Oil can increase your energy and much more benefits! (  More Info! ) 

Why Is Moroccan Oil Great For Your Hair?

Moroccan Oil has been very popular for a couple of years now. Many brands have come out with their own version like Organix and Josie Maron. But the first company that created Moroccan Oil was Moroccan Oil. Now I have never tried the original moroccan oil, I have only tried different versions of it. But today I decided to tell you all why Moroccan Oil is so great for your hair. Most people just hear good things about it and get it but I think everyone deserves to know why. Why is it so good for your hair. Plus I was curious myself. What is Moroccan Oil?  According to , Moroccan Oil is actually argan oil that comes from a specific tree in Morocco. Since the oil is very rare because of the small quantities, that is why it is so expensive. Originally it was used for cooking because of all the fatty acids it has in it. But then they found out that Moroccan/Argan oil is also good for the skin as well as the hair.  Benefits of Moroccan oil? -Shiny -Takes out som

Movie Review: Fruitvale Station

Now I do not do many movie reviews because it is kind of hard because everyone has a specific type of movie they like to watch or specific actors they enjoy. But the moment I saw this film, I knew I had to tell all my blog lovers about this amazing movie.  Not many people have seen this movie or even heard of it and when I found that out I was really surprised. Summary: This movie is based on a true story. This man named Oscar Grant, 22, was killed December 31st 2008. He was killed by a white officer. Him and his friend were trying to come back from celebrating New Years Eve when he was shot. This movie takes place in the span of two days. It shows what he did the day before he died. Then it shows what happened and how the situation between his friends and the officers got out of hand and how he got shot. Then the after effects of him getting shot. He left behind a daughter and a girlfriend as well as friends and family. My Opinion: This movie was INCREDIBLE. This movie ga

Wheat Belly Update #2

Hi Everyone! I thought I would update you on how my experience with cutting wheat out of my diet has been. It has actually been working really well for me. For the first month I was seeing no results with weight loss or just not feeling better about my body and I almost quit. But then the second month, I started to see results. My clothes started to feel looser and I was feeling much lighter than I felt the month before. SO I got on the scale and I had lost 13 pounds! When I figured out how much I lost, I was so happy! I did not really believe that this whole wheat belly thing would work because I did not see results instantaneously but it does work! It does take time and for me that is hard because I am a very impatient person. But I honestly recommend taking wheat out of your diet or just try it for a week or so and see how you feel. It might not work instantaneously but you might as well try it. What's there to lose? I have been wheat free for almost 3 months and I am s

Review: Stila All Over Shimmer Duo in Kitten

Hi Everyone! So a while back a bought a bunch of products from Sephora and I have been testing them out to review them for you all. So I have finally made an opinion on the  Stila All Over Shimmer Duo in Kitten . Now I apologize for the pictures once again. I am taking them with my iPhone because the camera I usually use is not working at the moment. Anyways! I was really excited about this product because one of my favorite Youtubers,  MarrissaLace , raved about this product. I trust her opinion because she likes a lot of the same products that I like. So the moment she recommended this product, I had to get it! My Opinion: My favorite highlighter is the  MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Soft and Gentle . This is amazing. It gives the perfect sheen so when I got this product I expected it to be just as amazing as the MAC product and maybe even better. But when I started using the lighter side, I was really disappointed. When I swatched it it was much more pigmented than

Must Have Spring Items!

Hi! I thought today I would tell you some of my favorite articles of clothing for spring! Now every one's fashion sense is different but I think that these pieces would look good in any person's wardrobe. Maxi dresses! Maxi dresses are such a classic piece for spring and summer and they look good on everyone.  Since there are so many different styles of maxi dresses whether they are strapless or spaghetti straps or racer backs, it's honestly about your style. Jean Jackets! Jean jackets are the perfect transition to spring because it is still a little chilly but its light enough for the spring weather. Also, there are so many different types of jean jackets and colors that will suite any one's style as well as any outfit. Tong Sandals! Tong sandals are the perfect sandal for spring! It's all about finding the right pair though because some can be uncomfortable so I recommend trying on the pair of shoes and not order them online. But it'

Book Review: The Sandcastle Girls by Chris Bohjalin

Hi Everyone!  So my mom's a librarian and she takes me to these huge book conference and last year I got this book as a galley. (a book that is still in the publishing process) At first I was not really excited to read this but I needed a book to read and I am so glad I picked this book.  Summary: This book is  The Sandcastle Girls  by Chris Bohjalian. This book is based on the life of Elizabeth Endicott and her journey to Aleppo, Syria in 1915. At this time was the Armenian Genocide and Elizabeth is coming from the United States to help take care of the refugees. Then she meets an Armenian architect named Armen and they fall in love. Some of the book is takes place in the present in the eyes of Elizabeth Endicott's granddaughter, Laura, who is searching for answers on her grandparents secrets.  My Opinion: I love history. History is one of my favorite subjects and this book is a historical fiction novel.  I thought Chris Bohjalian created such an amazing connect

Must Have Nail Polish for Spring!

Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing well. Now that I have started talking about spring, I am so ready for it!  My last post  was about my favorite spring trends for 2014 and today I want to talk about nail polish! I love nail polish. It makes me so happy when I am writing notes and all of a sudden I look down and see my nails painted in a pretty color. It brightens my day! It's all about the small things in life. Essie's Play Date This color just screams spring to me. This is one of my all time favorite nail polishes and every time spring and summer comes around, this is the first nail polish I put on.  You're Such a Budapest This color is gorgeous. I do not personally own this color....yet! I will be getting it this spring because this is like a lavender/periwinkle purple. This color is a perfect color to transition color from winter to spring. Essie's Sand Tropez  This is another color that I don't own.....but I will. I honestly think

Book Review: The Death Class: A True Story About Life by Erika Hayasaki

Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing well! Now this book was in my February favorites and I have been dying to review it! So here it is! This book is called  The Death Class:True Story About Life . Summary: This book is through the eyes of a journalist who goes to a  Kean University and follows around a professor named Norma Bowe, who teaches a class about death. Through out the book, you find out the stories about five students, the journalist and the professor. The book is filled with truth, heartache, death, tragedy, and addiction. My Opinion: This book was incredible! This book really opens your eyes about life and death. Most of the deaths that they talk about in the book are from people who have been killed. This book is a page turner and once you pick it up, you will not want to put it down. I also liked how even though this book was sad, there were happy moments throughout the book and you just cherished them. Also, when the I slowly started learning about everyone sto

Spring Trends 2014!

Hi Everyone! Spring is finally here! I am so excited for spring because I am tired of the cold. But where I live it is still freezing.....oh spring, where are you? Anyways, I wanted to show you all my favorite Spring Trends for 2014! Even though summer is my favorite season, spring trends this years are really fun. My first favorite trend is blood orange lips! Now when I first saw this trend I got really confused because the blood orange color seems more like a summer trend. But this has been all over makeup magazines and this trend was also popular on the runway during Fashion Week. What I really like about this trend is that your whole make up look can be soft and dewy and the POW! Blood orange lips! The lips seem to make any makeup look put together. Plus it makes you stand out and then you will be a trendsetter. The next trend that I have been loving is pastels!  Pastels is always a trend during the spring time but pastels are just amazing! But this year it seems to

Bye Bye Stretch Marks!

Hi everyone! I am sorry I have not posted a blog post in a couple of days! I was not feeling well but I am back and ready to blog again! Now this blog post is a little personal but I feel like almost everyone suffers with it.....and it's stretch marks! Stretch marks are when light or dark lines appear on your stomach or thighs when you have gained weight or  when the elasticity in your skin has stretched. I used to have stretch marks on the sides of my stomach and it made me very self conscience of my stomach. The reason why I got stretch marks was because I had gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time. But with these two products the stretch marks are almost gone! Now I will tell you my secret tip to lightening your stretch marks and soon they will be gone! The first product to use is the  Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Cream Unisex by Palmer's . I have used this for years before I started to get stretch marks. This is a very thick cream that rejuvenat

My Top Fashion Picks For The Oscars!

Hey Everyone! How are you doing?! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! It is finally March which means that spring is around the corner! Finally!  So my Sunday evening was spent watching The Oscars! It was AMAZING! How many of you watched it? Tell me what you thought of it! Well one of my favorite parts of The Oscars is always the fashion. This year was one of the best years in fashion in my opinion.  So these are my top five picks! 5) Camilla Alves! She looked absolutely stunning with her creamy pink colored dress. I loved how the gown had shape to it with that cape looking thing. ( I do not know what its called) The dress hugged her in all the right places and the color matched her olive skin tone. I loved how she did her hair in an up do. It made the focus on her dress and the interesting shape of it. I also loved that she did not over power the dress with any jewels. She only had earrings on it was perfect. Overall, I absolutely loved Camilla Alves dress. Plus she

Endometriosis Awareness Month!

Hi Everyone! This month is Endometriosis Awareness Month! This is a disease that almost five million women have. This subject is very close to me because I have Endometriosis as well. I was diagnosed last year. This is one of the most common diseases that no one seems to know about. It can occur to any teen or women who has periods. What is Endometriosis? " is a common health problem in women. It gets its name from the word, endometrium (en-doh-MEE-tree-um), the tissue that lines the uterus or womb. Endometriosis occurs when this tissue grows outside of the uterus on other organs or structures in the body." - Here What are some of the symptoms of Endometriosis? Very painful menstrual cramps; pain may get worse over time Chronic pain in the lower back and pelvis Pain during or after sex Intestinal pain Painful bowel movements or painful urination during menstrual periods Spotting or bleeding between menstrual periods Infertility or not being able to get pr