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Endometriosis Awareness Month!

Hi Everyone!
This month is Endometriosis Awareness Month! This is a disease that almost five million women have. This subject is very close to me because I have Endometriosis as well. I was diagnosed last year.

This is one of the most common diseases that no one seems to know about. It can occur to any teen or women who has periods.

What is Endometriosis?
" is a common health problem in women. It gets its name from the word, endometrium (en-doh-MEE-tree-um), the tissue that lines the uterus or womb. Endometriosis occurs when this tissue grows outside of the uterus on other organs or structures in the body." -Here

What are some of the symptoms of Endometriosis?
  • Very painful menstrual cramps; pain may get worse over time
  • Chronic pain in the lower back and pelvis
  • Pain during or after sex
  • Intestinal pain
  • Painful bowel movements or painful urination during menstrual periods
  • Spotting or bleeding between menstrual periods
  • Infertility or not being able to get pregnant
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea, constipation, bloating, or nausea, especially during menstrual periods -Here
Ways to see if you have Endometriosis?

"Pelvic exam. Your doctor will perform a pelvic exam to feel for large cysts or scars behind your uterus. Smaller areas of endometriosis are hard to feel.
Ultrasound. Your doctor could perform an ultrasound, an imaging test to see if there are ovarian cysts from endometriosis. During a vaginal ultrasound, the doctor will insert a wand-shaped scanner into your vagina. During an ultrasound of your pelvis, a scanner is moved across your abdomen. Both tests use sound waves to make pictures of your reproductive organs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is another common imaging test that can produce a picture of the inside of your body.
Laparoscopy (lap-ar-OS-ko-pee). The only way for your doctor to know for sure that you have endometriosis is to look inside your abdomen to see endometriosis tissue. He or she can do this through a minor surgery called laparoscopy. You will receive general anesthesia before the surgery. Then, your abdomen is expanded with a gas to make it easy to see your organs. A tiny cut is made in your abdomen and a thin tube with a light is placed inside to see growths from endometriosis. Sometimes doctors can diagnose endometriosis just by seeing the growths. Other times, they need to take a small sample of tissue and study it under a microscope.
If your doctor does not find signs of an ovarian cyst during an ultrasound, before doing a laparoscopy, your doctor may prescribe birth control pills to control your menstrual cycle. Sometimes this treatment helps lessen pelvic pain during your period. Some doctors may offer another treatment that blocks the menstrual cycle and lowers the amount of estrogen your body makes before doing a laparoscopy. This treatment is a medicine called a gonadotropin (go-na-doh-TRO-pen) releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist, which also may help pelvic pain. If your pain improves on this medicine, the doctor will likely think that you have endometriosis.
Laparoscopy is often recommended for diagnosis and treatment if the pelvic pain persists, even after taking birth control pills and pain medicine. " -Here

-This disease does not have a cure. 
-Most doctors do not know what Endometriosis is 
-Most girls or women who have these symptoms are often told by doctors that there is nothing wrong with them. "It's all in your head." "There's nothing wrong with you." But they are wrong. There is something wrong. 
This is why people need to be more aware of this disease.

Spread the news on what Endometriosis is! Go to the doctors straight away if you have these symptoms. Push your friends to go to the doctor. 

This disease changes your life. Try to find it now than later.


I hope you all spread the word about this disease. I hope some of you have found hope that you are not alone. I have been through the same road that you have or are still going through. Please share your stories. I want everyone to understand that this is a serious disease. Let's stand together!
Carpe Diem,


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