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Showing posts from April, 2014

April Favorites!

Woot woot! April favorites time! Hi! How are you all? Sorry I have not been posting every other day lately. I have been super busy with work and school but I finally have free time so let's begin! As you can see, I do not really have that many beauty favorites this month but I do have a lot of random favorites!  1) My name necklace! This has been my top favorite this whole entire month! I wear it almost every single day! This is from  My Name Necklace . I got this in sterling silver in the 16' chain. This just looks so dainty and it goes with any outfit. ( Sorry about the t-shirt! I was in my pj's) Also, I like that this necklace is in-expensive, (I am not sponsored by them, just saying!) and it is good quality. I do recommend to not wear this when you sleep because the chin is very dainty. I do wear it in my sleep sometime..shhh.  2) The NYX Lip Butters!  THESE ARE THE BOMB.COM! I love these so much. I got two new colors.   Apple Strudel  Creme

Bye Bye Acne !

Hellooooo Everyone! (Said in a really bad British accent) I hope you all are having a great weekend. I thought I would continue with the Bye Bye series and today I will be talking about acne! Now I will admit that I do not have really bad acne and that is because I follow these tips. On top of that when I recommend these tips to my friends, after a couple of weeks, their acne is not as bad as before. 1) Always take your make up off at night! The reason why you need to do this is that your face needs to breathe. If you are wearing make up, touching your face with your hands, and having all the pollution in the air, your skin is suffocating. That is why you need to either wash your face or use a make up wipe before you go to bed. The reason why is when you sleep, your skin can breathe and your skin also does not look dull if you do this.  2) Drink a lot of water! Water is AMAZING for your skin. It's also amazing for your whole body but it is also amazing fo

Bye Bye Frizz

Hola Everyone! I hope you are having an amazing day! So as many of you know, I have extremely curly hair and it is always frizzy. No matter what I do, I cannot make my hair stop being frizzy! It is super frusturating! But lately I have been doing a few things differently to my hair that is helping it not be as frizzy. Hopefully these tips and products can help you out. So let's begin! 1) Braid your hair Try to braid your hair every night before you go to sleep. The reason why is when you are sleeping, you are constantly moving and your hair is rubbing against the pillow causing friction. When you wake up, your hair is a wild mess, well mine usually is. But when I put my hair in a braid, it tames down the frizz and my hair does not look as crazy as when I didn't have it in a braid. I hope this makes sense.  2) Deep condition your hair once a week.  This is one of my favorite deep conditioners and it is by Aussie. The reason why I recommend deep conditioning

The Perfect Palette Tag!

Hey Everyone! I hope you are all doing well. If any of you celebrated Easter, I hope you had a good one! Today I wanted to do a fun tag that I have been seeing going around Youtube and it is called The Perfect Palette Tag! It seems pretty fun so here we go! Oh and I am getting the questions from  emilynoel83 .  1. Best Packaging?  Urban Decay makes the best packaging! So these are two of the Urban Decay Palettes that have amazing packaging. The first one is the Kime Buzzelli and the second one is The Rich is Back! palette that was designed by Matthew Williamson. Unfortunately these two palettes were limited addition but I just wanted to show you. I also really like how each of these artists have completely different styles of artwork but each palette is so vibrant. Love it! 2) Best Color Payoff?  Or It's a tie! I know we only can have one but I can't! But honestly it is between my MAC palette which I did create and my Naked palette.

Book Review: The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri

Hey Y'all! I know I am not southern but I am trying to switch up how I say hi to you guys! Anyways, today I wanted to do a book review. I do not even know how long it's been since I have done a book review but I have been so busy lately and I am sorry. But once summer comes I will be doing a ton more book reviews! But I finally finished a book and this is it! It is the  The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri .  Now I do not know if many of you have heard of this novel but this author wrote The Namesake as well. This novel won a Pulitzer Prize. BIG DEAL. Since my mom is a librarian she said I have to read it. So I did and here is my thoughts on it.  Summary:  This novel is based on two different time periods. One of the time periods is in the 1960's during the Indian Revolution. The next time period is in the present. It is about two brothers and how won fought for his country, and the other left and went to America. It is about the struggle between the two of them.

Battle of the Body Creams: Inexpensive Version

ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE! A couple of blog posts ago, I did a  post  about more expensive body creams. Many of you liked it so I decided to do the inexpensive version. Round 1: C. Booth 4-in-1 Multi-Action Body Lotion This stuff is amazing! I have probably gone through 6 bottles of this stuff. And these are big bottles.  They have so many different scents but I get the lemon one.What I love about this body lotion is that it is a light weight lotion that is not sticky and is light enough that you can put on your clothes right after putting it on. Also, I love that the scent last all day. Whenever someone smells me, they always tell me that I smell so good. I always tell them that it's not a's this lotion! I highly recommend this lotion, especially for the spring and summer time.              Round 2:  Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream for Dry, Sensitive Skin, Fragrance Free This was the first body cream that I ever used. I fell in love with this

Bucket List

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to do a fun little blog posts of some of the things that are on my bucket list. I don't know about you but I think everyone should have a bucket list because it gives you goals and aspirations that you want to achieve throughout your life. So here are the top ten things on my bucket list: 1) Travel the world! These are a few pictures from Google on where I want to go....Australia, India, and Japan. I just want to see the world and I have not really traveled. I also am really fascinated in other cultures and other peoples history and most of the places I want to travel have very interesting history's and cultures. Plus, I want to meet the people there and try new food and ugh! I just really want to travel. That is probably one of the biggest things that I want to do in my life.  2: I want to become an actress! Many people do not know this about me anymore and it is that I want to be an actress. I fell in love with acting my sop