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The Perfect Palette Tag!

Hey Everyone!
I hope you are all doing well. If any of you celebrated Easter, I hope you had a good one! Today I wanted to do a fun tag that I have been seeing going around Youtube and it is called The Perfect Palette Tag! It seems pretty fun so here we go! Oh and I am getting the questions from emilynoel83

1. Best Packaging? 

Urban Decay makes the best packaging! So these are two of the Urban Decay Palettes that have amazing packaging. The first one is the Kime Buzzelli and the second one is The Rich is Back! palette that was designed by Matthew Williamson. Unfortunately these two palettes were limited addition but I just wanted to show you. I also really like how each of these artists have completely different styles of artwork but each palette is so vibrant. Love it!

2) Best Color Payoff? 


It's a tie! I know we only can have one but I can't! But honestly it is between my MAC palette which I did create and my Naked palette. Both have extremely pigmented eye shadows so it was very hard to narrow down which palette is the most pigmented so I had to do 2 palettes!

3) Most Versatile? 

I have to go with my MAC palette. Sorry it is so dirty but this is well loved. The reason why I chose this palette is because you can get any size palette and choose whatever colors you want. You choose the colors that fits your personal needs. It might be nice to have someone already design a palette but I think it's fun to create your own palette. 

4) Best for traveling? 

My Naked Basics palette! This is my all time favorite palette to bring whenever I am going to a friend's house or going to New York. I bring this palette whenever I am traveling. Sorry it looks so jacked up, it's because I dropped it like two days after I got it. That was a really sad day. Anyways,  I just love how small this palette is and it really has all the basic eye shadows you would ever need. 

5) Biggest regret? 

The Urban Decay Deluxe Shadow Book. I  probably only touched this palette maybe three or four times. It's not a lot and I feel like it was a waste because the colors are beautiful but I will never wear most of them on a daily basis. But this was only $ 10 at Nordstrom Rack but I still wish I bought something else but oh well!

6) Best Color Names?

The Naked 2 palette has the best names. The reason why is because they are unsual names to the common purple and tan color that most companies name their colors. Plus, when you see a specific color, you say oh that's YDK or Chopper. The names just stick with the colors. Well, in my opinion.
7) Least Used? 

Unfortunately there are two palettes that I have not used. It is The Rich is back! palette and the NYX The Runway Collection palette in Champagne & Caviar. When I first got these palettes I used them like crazy but now that they have been in my collection for a while, I do not really gravitate towards them as much as I used to. Which sucks because I really do love them. I'm trying to get back to using all my palettes instead of just a couple. 

8) Most used, Most loved, Desert island? 

This one was easy and it is the Naked palette. I love this palette so much. It does not seem like I use it a lot but I really do. Whenever I do not know what I want to put on for eyeshadow I go straight for this palette. This palette is definitely the bees knees! Haha do people say that anymore? But honestly I think anyone who loves make up should own this palette. It is AMAZING! 

Well I hope you all enjoyed the Perfect Palette Tag! I really had fun doing this and I hope you enjoyed reading this. I also want to apologize for the picture quality, I know it is not the best but this is the only camera I have and it is my phone. Sorry! I also want to apologize for my grammar. My mom reads my blog ( Hi mom!) and she always yells at me for my grammar. I am really trying to fix it. I promise! I hope you have a wonderful day/night!

Carpe Diem,


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