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April Favorites!

Woot woot! April favorites time! Hi! How are you all? Sorry I have not been posting every other day lately. I have been super busy with work and school but I finally have free time so let's begin! As you can see, I do not really have that many beauty favorites this month but I do have a lot of random favorites! 

1) My name necklace!

This has been my top favorite this whole entire month! I wear it almost every single day! This is from My Name Necklace. I got this in sterling silver in the 16' chain. This just looks so dainty and it goes with any outfit. ( Sorry about the t-shirt! I was in my pj's) Also, I like that this necklace is in-expensive, (I am not sponsored by them, just saying!) and it is good quality. I do recommend to not wear this when you sleep because the chin is very dainty. I do wear it in my sleep sometime..shhh. 
2) The NYX Lip Butters! 
THESE ARE THE BOMB.COM! I love these so much. I got two new colors. 
 Apple Strudel 

Creme Brulee

These colors just go with anything. What I love about the lip butters is that they are smooth, they do not dry out your lips, also they have great pigmentation. Some colors go better with different skin tones, but these two colors would go with any skin tone. 
3) NYX Roll On Shimmer 

This color is in Nude. Now I have recommended these NYX Roll On Shimmers before but I got this color this month and it is great! I love this when I do not want a super shimmery eye that the color Salmon gives. I recommend this for anyone who wants a slight shimmer to their make up look. But remember to wear it on top of a cream base. 

Oh boy! Oh boy! This is a great sponge. When I first got this, my mom was it's just a sponge and I explained to her that it is not just any old sponge. The flat part of the sponge helps with concealer and getting into the creases around your nose. The roundness of the back helps spread the foundation evenly. I also, really liked that this makes your foundation look super natural. It spreads your foundation evenly.  

Now on to the random favorites! 

5) Louder Than A Bomb Documentary! 

Words cannot describe how good this documentary was! Every year at my school we have a poetry slam. There are three rounds: one individual, one group, and one of your choice. So my English teacher showed us this documentary in class and it was incredible. It was about the Louder Than A Bomb competition in Chicago. It was about four different schools and their journey throughout the competiton. My favorite poem was Counting Graves by The Steinmenauts!

This gives me chills every time. Every one should watch this documentary! And my group one second place in our poetry slam! :)

6) The Following 

THIS SHOW! This show is so addicting and intense and suspenseful that you will not want to stop watching it. It's on Netflix and at first I was really hesitant to watch it but I decided to one day and I am so glad I did! This show is not for anyone who is not into serial killers. This story is about a serial killer, who is obsessed with Edgar Allen Poe and he bases his killings off of the poems and short stories by Poe. He escapes jail and it's up to the FBI to find him. But the serial killer has created a cult so now there are more killings. That's all I can tell you but if that interests you, go watch it! So good!

7) Bates Motel 

Now this was my second favorite show this month. This is also on Netflix and it took me a little longer to get into than The Following. The reason why was the story line did not make any sense until the last part of the pilot. Than I started getting into the show. It is about this teenager named Norman and his mother Norma, who buy a abandoned motel after Norman's dad died. This show is just about the creepy things that happen in the town. That is all I can say. But give this show a chance because it is really good. 

8) Philomena

This movie was so cute/sad! It is about this Irish woman who is looking for her son after he was taken away from her 50 years ago. And the person who helps her is a journalist who tells her story. Judi Dench was perfect for the role and at the end of the movie, you just want to give her a big hug. Plus, I love the name Philomena. It's so pretty! 

9) Sing by Ed Sheeran

I love Ed Sheeran. I think he is so talented and has amazing lyrics. Now, when I first heard this song, I did not believe it was Ed Sheeran because it did not sound like him at all. But this song is catchy! and fun and upbeat! Love it! If you like the song Happy by Pharrell, you will love this song!

Now I have one unfavorite of the month. Now some may not agree with me but this was probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life. 
My unfavorite is The Wolf Of Wall Street

This movie was so bad that I wasted 3 hours of my life. I thought it was going to be so much better because that is what everyone said that it was good. I hated the directing. I hated the abuse of alcohol and drugs. It just was so bad. I do not recommend this movie at all. Also, what was sad was that this was based on a true story. That really disgusted me. I just think everyone should skip this movie. 

Those are all of my favorites! I hope you all enjoyed this blog post! Have a wonderful day/night!

Carpe Diem,


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