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Showing posts from February, 2014

My Picks for February

Hey Everyone! I hope you all are doing well! I am still working with how to take pictures but they will get better soon. I promise! March is tomorrow! Yay! I am so ready for spring! I am so tired of the cold, gloomy weather. I want to wear dresses and skirts and not have to wear my coat 24/7. But how did your February go? I hope it when well! :D Today, I am going to tell you about my February picks. Now I do not have a ton of make up products. I have more random favorites this month! 1)  Anastasia Brow Wiz : This month I tried the Anastasia Brow Wiz in the color Caramel. Now I have tried brow pencils before but they were all from the drugstore and they got used up so quickly because I would always break the tip. But I have been really loving how my brows have been looking with this product. It is very easy to apply. The pencil itself is creamy and smooth. I like that it is a twist up because it helps save the product. Also, I do not have problems with having this pencil break on

Tips for Prom Dress Shopping

Hey Everyone! Now prom is around the corner....okay three months away! Some of you have found your dress, Congrats! I found my dress today. And some of you have an idea but have not found the right dress. Others have no idea what they are looking for. So today I decided to give you a few tips on how to shop for the perfect dress! Tip 1: Get prom magazines. Prom magazines are designed to help girls find the style they want or give them an idea on what the different dress companies are selling. I bought the Seventeen magazine one and it helped me so much because it gave me locations for different prom places in my state and showed me a bunch of different types of styles of dresses. Tip 2: Make a list of warehouses, shops, boutiques you want to go to. I made an entire list of all the places in my state and wrote down the address, the number and the hours. It made everything so much more organized. It will be less stressful on you and who ever you are going with. Tip 3: Have a whol

Some Words of Wisdom

Hi Everyone! I know I am only 17 but I know how important quotes are to people. Quotes, in my opinion, are an insight on who that person is by the types of quotes they like. Some of my friends have been having a few bad days and I thought today I would make a post on quotes that are inspirational and up lifting. I want these quotes to lift you up and inspire you. Now I love so many quotes, it's hard to pick just a couple. BUT here are some of my favorites: "Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much." -Oscar Wilde This quote is SO true. At first I did not really think this could actually work but when you don't like someone and then start to be nice to them, it annoys them. Try it some day. "Never let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present."         - Anonymous This quote is trying to say that you should not dwell. The sadness of your past can make the happiness of your present and future

Book Review: The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen

Hey Everyone, I decided to review a book that is very popular among the YA community. It is called  The Moon and More by Sarah Dessen . Now I am a huge fan of Sarah Dessen. I think she writes great teen romance books as well as books that relate to the every day teenager. Now Sarah Dessen is #1 New York Times Bestseller author and last year I was at a librarian conference with my mom and I got the honor of meeting her. We were not able to chat for a long time because there was a long line but she seems very nice from the few seconds I talked to her. Summary: The book is about this girl named Emaline who lives in a small town called Colby. Colby is located next to the ocean and it is near New York. Emaline has the perfect boyfriend named Luke and they have been dating for three years. And both of them work for Emaline's family's business called Colby Realities where they rent houses on the beach to tourists. In the beginning of the summer a cute mysterious boy named

Review: L'oreal Total Repair 5 Damage Erasing Balm

Hi Everyone!  I thought I would review something for hair today. Now some of you may know that I have insanely curly hair. It's ridiculous. My hair is also very dry and frizzy and I live off deep conditioners. Without deep conditioners, I do not even want to know what my hair would look like. So today I thought I would talk about a deep conditioner that has changed my hair. In a good way. I have tried so many deep conditioners and so I know a lot about them.  This specific deep conditioner is the  L'oreal Total Repair 5 Damage Erasing Balm  is part of a newish collection by L'oreal called the  Total Repair 5 . This collection is specifically targeted for people who have damaged, dry hair. L'oreal has other collections but this one caught my attention because of my specific needs. Now on to the deep conditioner. What first drew me in to trying this product is that it was in a pretty big tub. Also, my mom had bought the shampoo and conditioner and it smelled

Update: Wheat Belly Diet

Hi Everyone, I hope you all are doing well. I thought I would give you all a little update about how the Wheat Belly diet is going for me. I honestly think it is going pretty well. I have been on this new lifestyle change for almost three weeks and it has not been as hard as I thought it would be. I have started to cook or at least earn how to cook because some of the meals my family eats, I cannot have. It is a good learning experience. I feel more open to trying new foods that I never would expect to eat. Also, when my family and I go out, I make sure they have a glutton free menu. For example, when we went out for my brothers birthday, we went to TGI Fridays and most of their food had some type of wheat in it but this one dish which was a shrimp cheese dish did not have wheat in it. It was delicious. Plus if it wasn't for this new lifestyle change then I probably never would have tried that dish and now it is one of my all time favorites.  Also, my local pizza place has start

Valentines Day Movies!

Hey Everyone! Today is Valentines Day! I hope you all are enjoying it with your girlfriends, significant others or just your family. Valentines day is just a day to celebrate the ones you love. And eat a lot of chocolate and ice cream! :D SO today I thought that whatever you all are doing for today, at the end of the night or right after you get home from work or school, you just crash on the coach and watch a good movie. These movies are some of my personal favorites. I chose two different categories: Chick Flick and Action. Whether your hanging out with your best friends or hanging out with someone who loves action movies, you have a a bunch of movie ideas. Chick Flicks: My favorite romance movie is the Titanic . Ever since I was little, I have loved that movie. Even though the whole story is tragic, the love between Jack and Rose is magical. Let's just say I am a big romantic. So if you want to ball your eyes out and drool over Leonardo DiCaprio, this is so your movie!

Review: Buxom Full-On Lip Polish

Hey Everyone!  I hope you all are doing well! Today I am going to do a review the  Buxom Full-On Lip Polish . This is the color Sophia. When I was first looking at Buxom lip glosses and polishes, I wanted to get White Russian. But since Sephora was sold out, I got this color instead. I mainly got it because it has my name. But when I got this lip polish, I was in love.  This color is a light pink color with gold shimmer in it. The shimmer shows slightly but it does not over power your whole lips. Which is good because your lips won't look like disco balls. Another important factor is this lip polish is sticky. Now I hate sticky lip glosses. I always have but the stickiness does go away after 10 minutes. I also like to pat a tissue on top and that takes some of the stickiness away. This is also marketed as a lip plumper. I do not feel that is it has a plumper affect because there is no tingle when I put it on. I also have full lips so when I put it on I cannot see if my l

Pursuit of Happiness

Hi Everyone! Today I am going to talk about something that is very important to me. That is happiness. I see so many people who are not happy and it makes me sad. I believe everyone deserves to be happy. If you are going through a tough will get over that hard time. You may not see it now....but I promise you that things will turn out for the best. You just have to believe that good things will happen. Motivate yourself to live a happy lifestyle. But also, you have to believe in yourself. The number one tip to happiness in my opinion, is to believe in yourself. For a long time, I did not believe in myself. I am 17 years old and I still have a lot of insecurities but everyone else does. To this day I am still struggling with that but I have learned that if I motivate myself, stay positive through the hardships and don't have a negative mindset, happiness will be a main focus in my life. Some tips that I have learned to stay positive and be happy is self motivation.

Wheat Belly Diet

Hi Everyone! Since this is a blog about beauty, lifestyle, health, and books, I thought I can talk about health today! I decided to tell you about this new lifestyle choice I have made in case any of you are interested in trying it. My mom showed me this book called  Wheat Belly  by William Davis. The reason she showed me this is because I have stomach problems and she thought that doing this lifestyle change might help. It has been four days since I took wheat out of my diet. And I bet some are you thinking that I am crazy for taking wheat out of my diet because it is in almost everything but I decided that if this could help my stomach problems, why not try it. You will have to read the book to fully understand the concept of the wheat belly. But basically this doctor, William Davis, would be taking care of people who had high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health issues. He told them to take wheat out of their diet and start exercising and drinking more water and see what ha

What I have been loving for January

Hi everyone! In the month of January I have been testing out a bunch of products and today I would like to share my favorites with you. 1) My first favorite is Amazing Grace by Philosophy perfume. This . I have a few perfumes that I have gotten as gifts throughout the years but this perfume stood out this month. It has a floral/ musky scent. The perfume lingers throughout the day. Especially if you spray it throughout your hair and your clothes and throughout the day you catch whiffs of it and it smells delightful. Plus the little quote that they have on the bottle just puts a smile on my face. The quote is, "In the end, it all comes down to one word, grace."I suggest this perfume if you want to try something a little bit different and like the mix of light and musky scents. 2)My next favorite has changed how I take care of my hair and how I look at my hair. My hair is naturally curly. I am half Puerto Rican and half Dominican and the curls are so tight and that when peop