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Tips for Prom Dress Shopping

Hey Everyone!
Now prom is around the corner....okay three months away! Some of you have found your dress, Congrats! I found my dress today. And some of you have an idea but have not found the right dress. Others have no idea what they are looking for. So today I decided to give you a few tips on how to shop for the perfect dress!

Tip 1: Get prom magazines.
Prom magazines are designed to help girls find the style they want or give them an idea on what the different dress companies are selling. I bought the Seventeen magazine one and it helped me so much because it gave me locations for different prom places in my state and showed me a bunch of different types of styles of dresses.

Tip 2: Make a list of warehouses, shops, boutiques you want to go to.
I made an entire list of all the places in my state and wrote down the address, the number and the hours. It made everything so much more organized. It will be less stressful on you and who ever you are going with.

Tip 3: Have a whole day devoted to prom dress shopping.
I am not going to lie, getting to the place, finding dresses, trying on dresses, then trying on more was an all day thing. It was exhausting! So I suggest you don't plan anything else that day because you do not want to rush when you are shopping for the perfect dress.

Tip 4: If you are ordering online, order it right away.
I did not order my dress online because I wanted to try it on immediately and I just did not feel comfortable picking my dress online. But a bunch of my friends picked out there dresses online and they ordered it right away because shipping could take a long time depending on where they are shipping it from. If you want to order your dress online, go to a boutique or a tailor and figure out your sizing so you have a right idea on what size you should order. Then always have a back up plan if you do not like the dress.

Tip 5: Bring snacks!
I am not kidding but when me and my mom got out of trying on dresses, we were hungry! So bring a snack to just keep you energized and not having your stomach grumble. Maybe grapes or a Kind Bar. And water.

This is probably one of the most important tips. The reason why is no matter what kind of dress you are trying on, having a strapless bra can give you an idea on what it will look like on Prom day. If you have a regular bra you might not get a good visual on how the dress looks.

These are my tips for finding your perfect prom dress. I am sure there are plenty more tips but these are the tips that I used while I was prom dress shopping. I will be doing a bunch of prom blog posts because I am excited for Prom and I want you all to learn some tips and tricks!  I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!
Carpe Diem,


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