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Movie Review: The Battered Bastards of Baseball

Hey everyone!
I am super duper excited to do another movie review for you all! Now this movie is only on Netflix, so hopefully most of you have Netflix. But I believe that a ton of people should watch this documentary. As some of you may know, I love documentaries. I feel that they are so fascinating and interesting and you learn so much. Another thing you might not know is that I love baseball. The reason I love baseball is because my little brother has been playing baseball all his life and I love to watch him play, which made me fall in love with the game. This documentary is all about baseball so if you do not like baseball, you might not truly enjoy the documentary but you should still watch it because of the incredible story line.

This documentary is about how Bing Russell, Kurt Russell's father was an actor and then became the owner of the Portland Maveriks. The Portland Maveriks were the only independent baseball team in 1976.  The Portland Maveriks were made up of a bunch of different people from teachers to ex pro baseball players. Bing Russell held try outs in Portland and over 300 baseball players came out and tried out. Some men traveled four days to just show Bing what they got. Most of these players were older than most of the professional players and they all had scruff and beer bellies. But the thing is, they could play. They would sweep most of their games. The more and more they won, the more fans they got and they became a family. The players would sit in the stands with the fans and just talk. These players could care less if they did not fit a specific image and that is why the people of Portland loved them so much.

My Opinion:
This story is incredible. I have watched this documentary three times because one, it is so good and two, because I cannot believe that this story actually happened. The way the players interacted with the fans and how the fans acted when they won is incredible. Throughout the documentary they had Kurt Russell, Bing Russell's wife, and a couple of players talked throughout the documentary about their experience and their feelings about Bing as well as the fans. I think you should watch this movie with your family because it is an inspiring and incredible story. There are a lot of swearing but it just adds to the character and the vibe of the team. From the very beginning, I recommended this documentary, and I will recommend it over and over again.

Here is the trailer:

I hope you all enjoyed this blog post. I really enjoyed making this blog post. I hope you have a wonderful day/night! If you see this documentary, tell me what you think about! Tweet me or email me! 

Carpe Diem,


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