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Showing posts from July, 2014

Dorm 101: What To Get For College

Hi Everyone! I hope you all are doing well. Now that move in day is creeping up on us, I wanted to talk about some things that I feel like everyone should get for college. Now, this is just from my experience and what I needed for five weeks, but I feel like I could give you all a few ideas on what to get. Also, there is an app called The Ultimate College Checklist. I highly suggest you download it because it will help with packing as well as knowing what to buy. Bedding:  Now I think you should spend the most money on bedding. The reason why is because that is where you are going to sleep for a year. You want it to be comfortable and cozy. 1)  Bed Bug Protectant For Your Mattress This is not a necessity but in case there is a bed bug outbreak on your floor, you just want to be careful.  Also, I suggest the pillow cases as well. 2) Mattress Pad  and  Foam Topper These are so important you have no idea. I love having a really super soft bed. I bought both of these items and I

My Summer Experience: 5 Week College Program

Hey everyone! I hope you all are doing well. I took a little break from blogging because I just wanted to relax because I'm officially done with school! So now that I am done with school, I really wanted to start doing a college series because I have learned a whole bunch of tips and tricks while being at school for 5 weeks. Now, I will tell you about my experience and things that I learned and all that stuff.  Why I decided to do this summer bridge program: Well as you know, I was severely sick during high school and because of that, I missed a lot of school and my grades went downhill. Now, I tried really hard with the SAT's, I even took it three times. But unfortunately, because of how bad my SAT scores were and my high school grades, I knew that I might not have been able to get into a 4 year college. So my guidance counselor told me about the summer bridge programs at different colleges. I applied to my top school's summer bridge program. I just had to check off t

First Impressions: The Nudes Palette by Maybelline

Hello everyone!  It is finally Friday! Woot woot! I am officially out of school. So excited! But that is not the point! haha The point is that today I am doing my first first impressions! Now, this palette has been taking the beauty community by storm. So when I first saw a tutorial on it by  shaaanxo . I love her and her tutorials. I think they are incredible. Anyways, because of her, the next day I got the palette and I am reviewing it for you today.  Packaging! I really like the packaging. I think it is a nice sleek compact palette. I think this would be a perfect palette for travel because it is small to put it in your travel bag. I also love that you can see the colors. Sometimes I hate that you can never see the colors in the palettes. But because you can see all the colors, there is no room for a mirror. Personally, I do not mind but some people may.  Now on to the eye shadows! So here are every single eye shadow that it is the palette. Ther

July Ipsy Bag!

Hey everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful week. I am super excited to be doing another Ipsy blog post today! But I do have some unfortunate news before I go into my first impressions and everything. This month, I have unsubscribed to Ipsy. Honestly, I did not want to but since I do not have a job at the moment and I am going away to college, I could not keep up the subscription service. But as you all know, I love Ipsy, I think it an amazing subscription service and I highly recommend it. Now onto what I got this month! Pouch/bag: Now apparently many people were complaining about this months bag. I honestly do not understand why. But I personally like this bag. I absolutely love the neon pink because it just screams summer. I love how simple it is. It honestly looks like an envelope to me.  On to the products! 1) Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Renewal Beach Spray I was super excited to be getting a sample of this product. First off, this is a really decent s

Battle of the Cream Eyeshadows!

Hey Everyone! Sorry I did not posted a blog post all last week. The reason why is because I was super busy last weekend and I went to school and I had no time to write any blog posts for you all. But this week I will be putting up three blog posts for you all! Yay! Now continuing with one of my favorite series that I have, The Battle of the... LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE! Round 1: Now you all have probably heard of the  Maybelline Eye Studio Color Tattoo Eyeshadow . Now these have been pretty popular for about two years now. Now I have two colors, Tough as Taupe and Barely Branded. I have a love hate relationship with these cream eyeshadows. I love how many colors there are and how pigmented they are. What I really do not like is how Tough as Taupe is extremely dry but Barely Branded is not. Barely Branded is creamy and glides on the lid. I would think that each product would be smooth and creamy but that is not the case. But I also love how inexpensive these products are. I

Movie Review: 22 Jump Street

Hey everyone! I am so excited to being doing another movie review for you all! Now most of the movies I review are really depressing and sad but this movie is HILARIOUS! Now let's get into the review! Summary:  This is the second movie to 21 Jump Street. Now the first movie was about Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill, who are cops, pretending to be high school students and finding out who is distributing drugs. Their headquarters were located in a Chinese church on 21 Jump Street. Now 22 Jump Street is  about them going to college now and how they are looking for the distribution of a specific drug called Wyphy. The roles are reversed because Channing Tatum is the popular football player while Jonah Hill is the geek who hangs out with the art kids. It shows the struggle of trying to find out the distributor while separating from each other. It's called 22 Jump Street because the headquarters gets moved across the street to Vietnamese Church.  My Opinion:  I LOVED T

My Travel Make Up Essentials!

Hey everyone! I hope you are doing amazing! Anyone who lives in the U.S. I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July. So as some of you may know, I am currently in college. What?! It's not even the fall yet! Well I got accepted into a summer bridge program so I am currently in school for five weeks. I can do a whole blog posts about my experience after I finish the program. 3 more weeks to go! I also am going to start doing what to bring to college series because I do live on campus from Sunday to Thursday. So that will be coming soon! Anyways, I wanted to show you my essential make up products that I bring to school! The Bag: Forever 21 Make Up Bag I got this specific make up bag from Forever 21 a while ago and I love it. Now I have a bunch of make up bags but I like how big this make up bag is but it's small enough to fit into your suitcase and not take up a lot of space. I also like that this make up bag is easy to clean, and you can throw so many products in it.