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My Updated Skin Care Routine

Hey Everyone!

You all might have been wondering what actually happened to my blog but honestly I just needed to focus on school. But I have missed my blog so much and I am ready to start it back up again.

I hope you all had a wonderful end of the year as well as a happy new year! I can not believe that it is 2016 and I am so excited for this new year!

2015 had some ups as well as some downs but honestly I grew as a person and I cannot wait to grow some more in 2016.

That is all for the intro and now I would like to tell you about my skin and my new skin care routine.

During winter break, I began working almost every day since I got home from school except working on Christmas. Over the summer I got a job at Pandora and I absolutely love it. But working over time is very draining to say the least.

About a week before Christmas I started to notice some spots on my chin. Now I have dry to combination skin. I rarely get pimples or break outs. And if I ever have pimples, I try to take care of it as soon as possible.

These type of pimples that were on my skin was cystic pimples, which meant that the pimple is underneath the skin. It is red as well as there might also be bacteria inside the pimple as well. Also, for cystic pimples you  unfortunately cannot pop them. They don't get this white spot that shows you that the pimple is going to pop soon or you can pop it.

That was what was happening to my skin and not going to lie, I was freaking out. I have been blessed to have good skin and whenever I had a pimple, I would just put some cream on it and in less than a week, it would be gone.

Unfortunately that was not the case this time. My skin felt a lot dryer, dehydrated as well as it just looked dull. Now I always believe that your skin is one of the most important things you should take care of and spend your money on. Yes there is make up and botox but personally, I feel like you should at least start with a good base and by cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturizing your skin, it will look amazing in the long run.

When my skin began to not looking glowy and hydrated, I knew I had to change something.

I had been using the Biore Pore Penetrating Charcoal Bar as well as the Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser. That is what I was using to wash my face. I stopped using a toner for some strange reason. And for my moisturizer, I used the Avenue Daily Moisturizer with SPF 15. This moisturizer I have been using for years and I absolutely loved it. I felt that it was very light weight and gave enough moisture to my skin.

After using these products for so many years, except the Biore one. I think my skin just got used to it. And with the stress of working and being exhausted, my skin kind of just freaked out.

Now my mom used to work for Clinique and she always vowed that Clinque products was one of the best skin care brands and when I first started washing my face daily and moisturizing, I used Clinque. But unfortunately, I just stopped using it. But now I am using it again and I cannot be more than happy with my skin.

I just got their original Clinique Three Step System for Dry to Combination Skin

It came with the Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion

Now I believe that this is one of the best moisturizers on the market. I know I have not tried
 out a lot of moisturizers but every time I put this on my skin, I just feel like my skin is getting hydrated all over again and it feels amazing. The only thing that people might have a problem with is the smell but honestly the smell goes away after you rub it into your skin.

The Clinique Liquid Face Soap

This face soap I think is amazing. The reason why is because it foams up and the more it foams up, the more I feel that it is taking the dirt and bacteria that has gathered up in my pores. You only need one pump and it just takes care of your whole face and it takes a few splashes of water before the foaminess goes away but that just means to me that the dirt is getting out of your pores.

Clinique Clarifying Lotion 2

To be honest, I have no idea why its called a clarifying lotion when in actuality, it is a toner. Now this toner is pretty strong compared to the Clean and Clear one that I used to use. I just feel like that this toner really takes all the dirt out that the liquid soap might have missed.

That is what I have been using to clean and moisturize my face but I also have a few acne spot treatments that I think are amazing.

The first one is the Clinique Acne Solutions Emergency Gel Lotion

This is just a spot treatment that I use to put over the cystic pimples that are on my chin. In a matter of days I noticed reduced redness as well as the pimple itself were not as swollen, it had shrunk. A tip though if you want to get this is that it has a expiration date because of the benzoyl peroxide. But it expires after a year.

The next acne spot treatment is the Mario Badescu Plastic Bottle Drying Lotion

This has been recommended in so many beauty guru favorites videos. Claire Marshall or heyclaire raves about this product and I trust her recommendation.

The main purpose of this product is the not shake up the two products. The reason being is that at the bottom of the bottle is calamine which is pink and then at the top is salicylic acid. Now you stick a Q-tip and then lift it up and on the Q-Tip it has both the salicylic acid as well as the calamine in one and you just put it wherever you need to and it dries up the pimples.

Personally, I like switching off depending on the day and then giving my skin a break from both the salicylic acid and the benzoyl peroxide.

Usually the spot treatments that I use are from Clean and Clear and they have very good products but right now in my life and the way my skin is at the moment, I believe that these two acne spot treatments are better. You may not need both but I wanted to try them both out and also I really want to get rid of these chin pimples.

That my friends is my updated skin care routine. I honestly loved writing this for you and talking about skin care. I really have missed this and I hope you will stick with me while I get my groove back. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night wherever you are.

Carpe Diem,


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