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Sophie's Thoughts: Biore Charcoal Bar

Hi Everyone!

I am finally back! Today I have decided to do a review. Now reviews are one of my favorite blog posts to write because they are just really fun and it means that I have tested a product out and these are my actual opinions instead of just my hopes and dreams on the product.

I have always had really nice skin. I am not trying to brag but it's true. I never had really bad acne, I always had pretty clear skin. When I would get a pimple, I would get rid of it pretty quickly. The type of skin I have is dry to combo skin. When I was in middle school and high school, I had oily to combo skin but something must have happened and now my skin is more dry. Which I do not mind but I am just telling you all.

Now that you know the background on my skin, here's the review! Today I will be reviewing the Biore Charcoal Bar.

I have not really heard much about this charcoal bar, which I am pretty surprised. I know a lot of beauty gurus love the Biore strips to remove blackheads on your nose. I have tried the Biore strips and I love them, they really work!

So I was randomly at CVS, picking up some stuff for college and I was looking at the skincare aisle. Now I used to use Clinique products when I was younger but then I just stopped using that line and started to use just random brands from the drugstore. I can do a whole post on my skin care if you want.

Anyways, I saw the Biore Charcoal Bar and I thought it was really interesting. I have always had problems with blackheads on my nose. I would use masks specifically made for removing blackheads and they would work but not really work. So I thought I would try it out.

This is what it looks like:
When I first opened the box, I thought it was like soap and for some strange reason I thought you needed to rub the actual bar on your face.

Let me tell you, do not do that. It is not harsh but you just look silly and it does not work that way.

So what you actually do is wet your hands first. I wet my hands with cold water instead of warm water because cold water wakes me up more.

So after my hands are wet, you literally just put it in your hands and just wait for it to get foamy. It gets foamy pretty quickly.

The moment I massaged this foamy/soap thing into my face, it was extremely cooling. I highly recommend using cold water because it mixes nicely with the charcoal bar. It smelled like mint mixed with peppermint. It is not over powering at all but it smells nice. But once you wash your face, that smell goes away

The first time I used it, my skin looked really clean and really smooth. It felt like I had just put a silicone primer onto my face . It felt like a baby's bottom. Anyways, you do notice a change in your skin the first use.

But I do not recommend using this every day, morning and night. I recommend this only to use maybe three to four times a week.

After about a week of using this, I noticed a big difference. My skin was so nice and glowy. And my skin had not looked this good in a very long time.

My blackheads were a lot smaller and a lot less than they have ever been before.  

But the biggest impression was when I first put on make up after washing my face a couple of times with the bar.

My skin felt like a clean slate. My make up glided so smooth that I could not even believe it. I did not put on a primer, I just put on my foundation. I was so shocked because my make up had never glided on so smoothly, even with different primers, as it had after I using this charcoal bar.

After I did my make up, my skin looked amazing. My whole make up looked flawless and I wore it out all day and night and it did not crease or look bad and I did not even set it with a makeup setting spray. I honestly believe that it was because of this charcoal bar.

I am so amazed with this bar. It is not expensive at all but it literally is a miracle product. I am so in love with this product. Everyone needs to purchase it, especially if you love doing make up or playing with make up, this is the perfect skin care item to make your skin look even better.

If you have oily skin, I feel like this will work really well because it can help your skin not be as oily. I am not a 100 % sure, but I have a good feeling it can work well for all skin types as well.

That is my thoughts on the Biore Charcoal Bar! I hope you all enjoyed this review. If you have any questions, please let me know because I will be more than happy to answer them. If you have tried this product, let me know your thoughts on it, if you loved it or hated it.

If there are any other skin care items you would like me to review, please let me know. Or any products at all, I am willing to try anything. Tweet me @sophiareyes6

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night wherever you are. I hope you all liked that I changed the boring title of just review into something more fun, like sophie's thoughts. If you think I should change it, please let me know.

Carpe Diem,


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