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Showing posts from April, 2015

Life Update: Surgery, College, Summer, and Weight

Hi Everyone! I hope that you are all doing well. I have not done an update post in quite a while and there has been so many things that have happened to me or are going to happen to me that I thought you all should know about. I am not only doing this to benefit myself as this is kind of a journal for me but for also with people who are struggling and simply need to know that soon, everything will be okay. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. So the first major news I have to tell you all is that I am getting surgery! What? Why? Is that really necessary? Well, for your information, I have been very sick basically since January with my Endometriosis pain. I have been in excruciating pain and have been also bleeding a lot. I know....TMI but its important to know. As some of you may know, when you have Endometriosis, your not supposed to bleed or have your period at all because it spreads the disease. Well I would be going a month and 1/2 straight having my period. So my d

Sophia Reads: The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty

Hey everyone! I have decided to change my book reviews into Sophia's Reads. I just feel that it is a lot more personal and I was getting tired of the boring old title. Anyways, I hope you are all doing well and hopefully your month of April has been well. I have two more weeks left of college. I am super excited and happy about it but it is really hitting me that I will be a sophomore in college, one step closer to becoming a social worker. Crazy!  Anyways, I posted about this book on my Instagram over a week ago and I have been dying to talk about it to you all. Now I first heard about this book from  Allison Anderson  on Youtube. I love her videos and she always gives great book recommendation. So when she talked about this book in a favorites video, I always kept thinking about it and contemplating on if I should get it or not. Than one day I was at Barnes and Nobles with my friend Darla, and I saw it and grabbed it and kept walking around the store wondering if I should get

April Ipsy Bag 2015!

Hi Everyone! It is finally spring and the weather is finally warm! I have not been loving my Ipsy a lot lately but I have been willing to give it a chance because last month, I loved my Ipsy. But I think this month is so much better! The Bag This is the only thing that I am not a fan about. I don't really like this Ipsy bag. I have never really enjoyed this straw type bags. But I still think it is cute but I am not obsessed with it. I am most likely going to give this bag to my abuela. Now onto the amazing products! I have not confessed to you all, but I have a bit of an blush. I have just been loving blush lately and how amazing it makes you feel whenever you put it on. So when I saw this, I was super excited. Some blush are hard to pick for people because you never know if it will suit them or not. Thankfully, this blush suits me very well. I am going to be traveling a lot and I needed a travel blush and I think I found one. I have never h

March Favorites 2015!

Hey Everyone! Happy April! Words cannot express how happy I am that it is almost summer! I am so ready to be done with my freshmen year of college! I cannot wait for warm weather! I hope you are all doing well! Sorry this March favorites is up a little later than I expected, I have had a hectic few weeks trying to get my grades up and just trying to work everything out! But I hope you all enjoy this blog post! Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of beauty products from last month. I just wore very simple make up, I did not really find any new products that just wowed me last month. But that is okay! I have a lot of random favorites though, so I am excited to share them with you! I will first start with the make up and then get into the random favorites. Almost a month ago, I ordered a bunch of Makeup Geek eye shadows because for years now, everyone on YouTuber has been talking about them and I have been trying to convince myself that I did not need them but obviously, I did nee

March Ipsy Bag 2015!

Hi Everyone! I am finally doing another Ipsy bag review! The reason why it is so late is because it was mailed to my house and I could not get it until I visited my parents.  I know it is late but this Ipsy bag is a good one so I had to review it! This is my March Ipsy bag and I am super excited about it. I specifically did not look up any unboxings because I wanted it to be a surprise. I was super disappointed with my February Ipsy bag and that is why I did not review it. I absolutely love this bag. I think it is so stunning and pretty and the pattern is gorgeous. The only issue I have with this pouch is that the pattern is not on the back, only the front. It would be even cuter if the pattern was on both sides. But overall, I wish all of the Ipsy pouches were patterns! Now onto the products! This is the Dr. Brandt Anti-Aging Mattifying Lotion. When I first saw this, I was impressed with the sample size but than I held it up to the sun and there was barely any pr