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Showing posts from December, 2016

Invisible Illness Series: Support

Hello everyone! Today's blog post is going to be a little emotional but I feel like it will probably help so many of you all. One thing I have noticed with having Endometriosis is how many people just do not get it. They do not understand why I am constantly in pain. They think that the pain that I am experiencing on a daily basis is something that everyone experiences. It is not. People who suffer from chronic pain can go hours at a time in excruciating pain that honestly is indescribable. And even then if people physically see you in pain, they do not care.They just think you are either faking it or being over dramatic. Well to those people I have this to say, you should be ashamed of yourself. Why would anyone fake being in agony for hours at a time. Why would anyone feel the need to be stuck in bed for a long time just because they just "don't feel like getting up". I have a feeling that many of you have experienced people like that in your life. Well let m

Invisible Illness Series: What People Say To Us

Hi everyone! I have been thinking about doing a series on chronic pain for quite some time now. I will be playing around with titles throughout this series until I finding one that truly speaks to me. But the reason why I am creating this series is for people who suffer from chronic pain like me and then also people who do not suffer from chronic pain. Throughout my years of suffering with chronic pain, I have had people say some horrible things to me when they honestly have no idea what they are talking about. I felt that this series can be spread around the community of people with chronic illness and we can discuss our stories. We can be our own support system. Do not get me wrong, my family and friends have been great support but I also have lost a lot of "friends" due to this disease. I have lost respect from faculty members at my school because of this disease. This disease does not define who I am but this disease does put a label for others to judge me on. So

Sophie Reads: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1&2 by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany

Hello Everyone! I hope you are all doing well! I have just been slacking on the blogging game and I apologize for that. But I will be back because I have a couple of ideas for different blog posts. But now I have another Sophie Reads and boy am I excited for this one. Something you all should know about me is that I am obsessed with Harry Potter. When I was younger, I had trouble reading. For me, I had to get tutored in reading and I am forever thankful to my teacher who tutored me. One of the ways my mom got me to read and push myself was that she to paid me to read. My first book that she paid me to read was Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by J.K. Rowling. That book changed my life and I am forever grateful for my mom for paying me $5 to read it. And that is where my love for Harry Potter came from! But now onto the book review! Today, I will be reviewing for you the new  Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts 1 & 2 Summary: This Harry Potter script takes place