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Life Update: Robin Williams, Ferguson, College

Hey everyone!
Sorry I have been MIA lately. I have been super busy because I have been getting ready for college and also my cousin was here! So I just wanted to spend time with her and my family. But now I just want to talk to you all.

First I want to talk about Robin Williams. I hope you all knew him and his greatness. He was an incredible comedian, actor, and a great person in general. He inspired so many people, including myself. One of my favorite movies of all time is Dead Poet's Society. I think everyone should see this. It is such an inspirational film. This film inspired me to become a better actresses as well as a better person. Because of Robin Williams, I always try to seize the day. So thank you Robin Williams.

I also want to touch on how he could always make someone laugh. He played a genie, a radio station DJ, Mrs. Doubtfire, and a gay man who owns a night club on the strip in Miami. All of these movies made everyone laugh. His talent to just say whatever he wants and ad lib a whole scene was incredible. He could do hundreds of voices and no one knows where that inspiration came from. He was a genius and he will be missed.

Last but not least, I want to say if you are sad or depressed or feeling alone, tell someone. Talk to someone. You are not alone battling those demons. Robin Williams had those demons, I have had those demons, and many others suffer every single day. Tell someone, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline :

You are not alone. 

R.I.P. Robin Williams.

Now I want to talk about what has been happening in Ferguson, Mississippi. If you do not know what is happening, you need to start watching the news. 
On August 9th, 2014, a white male police officer killed an 18 year old black male named Michael Brown, for no reason. The Ferguson police refuse to give the name of the police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown and because of that, it has caused tension and riots in Ferguson. 

On August 14th, 2014, hundreds of people where doing a peaceful protest near the area where he was killed, trying to get the name of the police officer as well as bring awareness to the injustice between the police and the people. 

The Ferguson police took things out of hand and brought in the SWAT team and began using tear gas, rubber bullets and bean bags and shooting at the peaceful protesters. 

I just want to say how disgusted I am that this is still going on. We are in 2014 and we are still having trouble with discrimination between white police and the black community. The way the Ferguson police reacted to the protest was completely ridiculous. There was no reason to point guns at innocent people who had no weapon in their hands. There is no reason for tear gas to be thrown when no one was hurting anyone. We are going back in time instead of forward. The new saying is Don't Shoot! with your hands up high. 

Because of what happened in Ferguson, all around the United States there have been peaceful protests. In New York City, there were hundreds, maybe even thousands of people in Time Square protesting the discrimination and the injustice of what is happening.

I wanted to tell you all this and how I am so sad that this is happening. This is a big deal and this is what is going on in the world and I think everyone should know what's happening. This needs to end because it is absolutely ridiculous. I thought we were past discrimination between the police and the people. But I guess I was wrong. 

So that is what is going on in Ferguson. 

Now onto something a little more happy/exciting!

I am leaving for college in exactly two weeks! I am super excited but also super nervous. I am going to miss my family and my dog so much but I think I will have an amazing time. I'm super excited to have a fresh start as well. High school was not fun and I am ready to have fun and make new memories. If you have any advice for me about college or being a freshman, please let me know by tweeting me or emailing me. I really would appreciate it. 

I'm sorry that most of this blog post was serious and kinda depressing but I feel like I needed to put something out there about my opinions and thoughts on the situations that have been happening in the world. I hope you all have a wonderful day/evening. 
Carpe Diem,


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