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June Favorites 2014!

So happy it is summer! Today, I will be doing my June favorites. Now June has been a really fun month. A whole bunch of things happened and I cannot wait to share them with you. Also, I have tried a bunch of great products as well as fallen in love with old favorites. 

My most favorite favorite this month was graduation! I graduated from high school! Woo! Finally! Congrats class of 2014!! :) So here are some pictures from the big day!

So my dress was from Kohls and it is from the Lauren Conrad collection. I absolutely love this dress. It was super comfortable and breathable. I love the print as well as the little cut out in the front. 

My cap I personalized with my all time favorite quote which is "Stay Gold" and it is from the novel The Outsiders by S.E.Hinton. I got all the items from Michael's and then I had to put some dog stickers on the bow because I adore my dog. It was really easy to do.

My next favorite is a present I got from my Godmother, Manina, for my graduation. This is a Tiffany bracelet. 

Now I was not expecting this at all. I just want to say thank you Manina. I love you so much and thank you for coming to my graduation. 

My next favorite is a TV Show and it is Sherlock Holmes. 

 THIS IS SUCH A GOOD SHOW! I honestly think the BBC makes incredible movies and TV shows.  This show is on Netflix. Now I saw the first two season and unfortunately there are only 3 episodes per season. But those episodes are so intense and you honestly just crave more. So I have been waiting a really long time for season 3 and boy did it not disappoint. I highly suggest this show if you love mystery, sarcasm, quirkiness, as well as Sherlock Holmes. So definitely check this show out!

My next favorite is juicing!

I have been enjoying juicing for the past couple of months but in June I really got into it. Everyday I would make myself and my mom a juice and it just boosted our energy and made us feel really good. I did a whole blog post on my favorite juicing recipe. So if you want to find more about juicing, definitely check my other blog post!

My next favorite is The Beekeepers Apprentice by Laurie R. King

I did a whole book review on this book because I thought it was amazing. Since I was already on a Sherlock Holmes kick, this book just made me love Sherlock Holmes even more. 

My next book favorite this month was Bones Never Lie by Kathy Reichs

I also did a whole book review, but I thought this novel was so well done. Kathy Reichs never seems to amaze me. I think she is a brilliant woman and I would love to meet her. But I also thought the story line was so interesting and it honestly left you on the edge of your seat. 

Now they do not have this scent anymore but I just love spraying a mist after I get out of the shower. I love putting a mist on because the scent lingers and you just feel even more refreshed. I love spraying mists that have a more musky scent then a floral scent. I do not know why but it is what I prefer. You should try it sometimes. It helps relaxes you in my opinion. 

This is a gorgeous highlight. I did not wear much make up in June because I really did not do anything but any time I wore make up, this would always be my highlight. This gives me the perfect J Lo glow that I want for the summer. I think it works beautiful with my skin tone. Also, I always love MAC's mineralize skinfinish I think they are really great. 

This is the perfect everyday eye shadow shade. When you just need to throw on an eye shadow and some mascara, this is the eye shadow you should use. It honestly will look beautiful on everyone, with any eye color and any skin tone. Unfortunately this eye shadow is a little more expensive than the usual MAC eye shadows but it is so worth the money because I use it every time I wear make up. 

My last favorite is Orange Is The New Black

Now I did not really like the first season. I thought it had a little to much sex and it focused WAY to much on Piper, the main character. And honestly, I hate Piper. I hate her character, I think she is so selfish and annoying. But season 2 was SO GOOD! I loved the whole plot line. I loved how it focused more on other characters and not so much on Piper. Plus, the new characters were so good! They had such strong roles that you had to love them. Honestly, you should see the first season because you won't understand what's going on in the second season. But if you are under the age of 16, I do not think you should watch it because there is a lot of sex and intense scenes and vulgar language. 

Now I have one disappointment and this was a really big one. It was X-Men: Days of Future Past

I was so disappointed in the movie. I saw it after I graduated and so many people were raving about it and saying how it was the best X-Men movie out there but honestly it wasn't. The plot was super unclear and confusing. I really did not like the relationship between Mystique and Magneto. I thought there was a little to much action that was random and did not have a point. I also, was really confused at by the ending. It honestly felt like the plot was rushed. Now I hate bashing on X-Men because it is one of my favorite comic book series but I thought this was the worst one. I do not recommend seeing this movie. My mom fell asleep. I was bored. It just did not really work out in my opinion. But definitely see the other X-Men movies because they were incredible. 

Well I hoped you liked my June favorites. I love making favorites videos. It's always nice looking back on the month. I hope you all have a wonderful day/evening.

Carpe Diem,


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