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Random August Favorites!

Hi Everyone!

First I want to say why I have been gone for almost a month. I feel awful. So for the month of August I was home because I ended my summer school program and I did not really have much to do anymore because I wasn't in school. But when I got home, I just got into a funk. I honestly don't know where this funk came from but it lasted for almost a month. I think the reason that I was in a funk was because I was going off the college (I am now in college) and I was super nervous to leave me family and just starting a new chapter in my life. Plus I was just stuck on blog post ideas. But I am back! And I have missed blogging SO MUCH! Honestly it is a stress reliever and I can definitely tell you that just writing this blog post write now, I am so much less stress than I have been this whole week. I will do a whole blog post about my first week of college as my next blog post. So now on to the SUPER DUPER LATE RANDOM AUGUST FAVORITES! Woot Woot!

So I literally wore no make up during the month of August. Even now during college I have barely worn any make up....but for a different reason. So all my favorites is movies, TV shows, people stuff like that. I promise there will definitely be some make up blog posts coming very soon!

1) The Battered Bastards of Baseball

This is probably one of my favorite documentaries that I have ever seen. Now I watch a lot of documentaries because I love learning about different things. But when I tell you I have watched the documentary way more than I's true. Like I already knew what happened and everything but just the way the story was told and my love of baseball really made me fall in love with the documentary every single time I watched it.. I wrote a whole blog post about my opinions, here.

2) Jesse James Decker

So one of my favorite You Tubers Allie Sevdalis, has been obsessed with Jessie James Decker. Because of her, I started following Jessie James Decker on Instagram and I just fell in love with her and her make up. And then I subscribed to her YouTube channel and fell in love with how she does her make up. So definitely check out her Instagram and her YouTube channel. She is amazing and such an inspiration and I just love how she is a great role model. Plus her baby, Vivi is so adorable and her husband plays for the Jets! (One of my favorite football team)

3) Captain America: Winter Soldier 

OH MY! This movie is INCREDIBLE! Honestly why didn't I see this movie when it was in theatre's?! So my mom bought this movie because we love Captain America and she said so many people reviewed this movie and loved it. And I think this was the best Captain America movie out of all of them. The story line was so interesting and you had to really pay attention to what was going on and what was happening because every thing made sense at the very end. I do not want to give anything away but literally all of you should see it if your into action and super heroes. 

4) Guardians of the Galaxy 

Now when this movie first came out, I didn't want to see it at all. I thought it looked dumb and that it wasn't going to be interesting at all. But my mom said that it got so many good reviews so my dad, my mom and I went to see it and we really liked it. I thought it was really funny and creative.
 I loved the world that was created and also the different characters. My favorite character was Groot. Even though he barely said anything, he had a big presence in the film. Also, I really enjoyed the soundtrack because it flowed so well throughout the movie and it made sense to the story line,. If you see the movie, you will know what I'm talking about. But honestly I recommend this as a family movie because its fun and makes you feel good after you saw it. 

5) Bang Bang - Jessie J Feat. Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj

Honestly, I have been in love with Jessie J since she was on YouTube and when she was only known in the UK. No one heard of her and then her album came out and she was every where. But she took a break for a while and now she is back! This is the only song that has been released from her new album which is coming out in October. So Jessie J, I love you. Thank you for coming back. This song is just so fun to put on and just dance. 

So those were all my favorites! I know, crazy! But honestly, September is going to be a good month. My birthday is on the 19th and I am finally turning 18! I know, finally. I feel like I am so young because literally everyone here is 18 and I am over here like...ya, I am still 17. But oh well. So I might do a birthday outfit or a birthday make up blog post. I don't know yet. But I just want to tell you that I am back and I will be having a ton more blog posts.
I hope you all had an amazing summer and are having an amazing time now at school, or work, or doing whatever you are doing. I hope you have a wonderful day/evening!

Carpe Diem,


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