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Showing posts from January, 2017

Dear 2016

Dear 2016, You really sucked. This year was so difficult and honestly I don't think I am the only person who thought his year sucked as well. I will give you just a few of the reasons why this year sucked. ` 1) Trump became president 2) I was sick a majority of the year 3) Terrorists attacks 4) family members passed away 5) Lost friends and these are just a few of the reasons why 2016 sucked. I am writing this letter because I just wanted to say goodbye 2016 and hello 2017. Here are some of the few things I am hoping for in 2017: 1) That I am healthy 2) I lose my sick weight 3) I become happier 4) I make Dean's list 5) I get another dog, this is not likely but hey I am hoping! 6) Become an activists for people with chronic pain These are just a few of things I want in the year of 2017. Of course I would like an end to the hatred and sadness in the world. I would love to stop world hunger. I would love to stop animal abuse and just abuse in general. But unfor