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Showing posts from January, 2016

My Updated Skin Care Routine

Hey Everyone! You all might have been wondering what actually happened to my blog but honestly I just needed to focus on school. But I have missed my blog so much and I am ready to start it back up again. I hope you all had a wonderful end of the year as well as a happy new year! I can not believe that it is 2016 and I am so excited for this new year! 2015 had some ups as well as some downs but honestly I grew as a person and I cannot wait to grow some more in 2016. That is all for the intro and now I would like to tell you about my skin and my new skin care routine. During winter break, I began working almost every day since I got home from school except working on Christmas. Over the summer I got a job at Pandora and I absolutely love it. But working over time is very draining to say the least. About a week before Christmas I started to notice some spots on my chin. Now I have dry to combination skin. I rarely get pimples or break outs. And if I ever have pimples, I t