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Showing posts from September, 2014

Random August Favorites!

Hi Everyone! First I want to say why I have been gone for almost a month. I feel awful. So for the month of August I was home because I ended my summer school program and I did not really have much to do anymore because I wasn't in school. But when I got home, I just got into a funk. I honestly don't know where this funk came from but it lasted for almost a month. I think the reason that I was in a funk was because I was going off the college (I am now in college) and I was super nervous to leave me family and just starting a new chapter in my life. Plus I was just stuck on blog post ideas. But I am back! And I have missed blogging SO MUCH! Honestly it is a stress reliever and I can definitely tell you that just writing this blog post write now, I am so much less stress than I have been this whole week. I will do a whole blog post about my first week of college as my next blog post. So now on to the SUPER DUPER LATE RANDOM AUGUST FAVORITES! Woot Woot! So I literally wore no