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Showing posts from February, 2015

My Story: The Truth and Nothing But The Truth

Hello Everyone, I have been waiting over a year to talk about my story. And right now I am absolutely terrified. I am terrified what people will say. Terrified if people will treat me differently but honestly, I need to do this. I need to finally get this off my chest about what has happened to me three years ago and how it has changed my entire life. Some of you reading this right now probably have absolutely no idea what I am going to talk about and some of you kinda have an idea. Today, I am going to tell my story/ journey of being diagnosed with Endometriosis and coping with it. This is the beginning: When I was 10, I got my period. But it was not normal from the beginning. I would have my period for weeks on end and sometimes for months and I was in terrible pain. It was horrible. I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I was in and out of doctors offices and they could not figure out why I was in so much pain. So I was put on birth control at age 10 to deal with t

January Random Favorites 2015!

Hello Everyone! It is my first favorites blog post of the new year! How exciting! So January was not a good month at all for me. I was extremely sick and I was getting back to college and  I moved dorm rooms so I was adjusting to that as well, so that is why I don't have any make up favorites. I started wearing make up and playing with make up during the last month of January so all the make up that I have been loving will be in my next favorites. But January was all about movies and TV shows. My first favorite of the month and the biggest favorite in January was Reign. If you love Vampire Diaries. You will love this show. Reign is just ..... no words can even describe how good it is. It is about Mary Stuart, the Queen of Scotland and how she has to marry Prince Francis of France, soon to be the king of France. The whole show is based on what happens in the castle between Francis and Mary as well as France and Scotland. This show is filled with passion, danger and streng